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Cup Pyramid Competition – Day 4 of 15 Days of Winter Break Activities

Cup Pyramid Competition – Day 4 of 15 Days of Winter Break Activities

There is nothing better than a fun pyramid game during the holidays! While you are busy at home, trying to find ways to entertain kids, or with family around, try playing a fun cup stacking game to see who can build the tallest tower or pyramid. You can play with a group, with siblings or as an individual! Simple materials, simple set up, simple fun that can last hours!


Builds concentration, hand-eye coordination, critical thinking skills, and encourages creativity


Paper Cups, timer (optional)


  1. Give each child the same number of cups (anywhere from 6-18 cups).
  2. Set a timer to one minute (only if you are feeling a little competitive or choose to help each other).
  3. See who can stack their cups the tallest, being as creative in technique as possible, before the timer runs out.

Age/Difficulty Variations:

  • For younger children (Infants-3 years), give fewer cups to stack. Show them how you might stack it at first before handing the cups over to them.
  • For older children (Ages 4-Elementary), give more cups to stack and give them a shorter amount of time. (If competing, give younger sibling more time than the older. Explain that this child is still growing and is not as steady yet). Get creative, try seeing what other things can be built from paper cups! Could it build a bridge, a snowman, or a maybe a Space Needle?

We hope you and your child enjoyed some quality time together during this day 4 activity of the 15 Days of Winter Break Activities series! Tag us on social media to show us how the activity went!
Instagram: @ lmeclife
Facebook: @ Living Montessori Education Community

Coming Next For Day 5: DIY Toy Sled Experiment!

You will need a variety of art materials you can find around your home! Some materials can include pipe cleaners, rubber bands, straws, toothpicks, tape, glue, and recycled cardboard or posterboard to make a ramp!