Our Credentials
Each lead preschool, kindergarten and elementary teacher holds a Montessori certificate, as well as an A.A. or B.A. in Early Childhood Development or equivalent. Additionally, a number of our teachers hold an M.A. in teaching and/or are Washington State Certified K-12. On average our lead teachers have 10 to 12 years of experience and most of our Teacher’s Assistants have an average five years of experience in the field of education.
Meet the Team
Afrose Amlani
Aliya Hirji
Fritzie Tran
Asia Lor
Stephanie Johnson
Early Education – Infant/Toddler
Cecile Ricord
Infant Toddler Early Education
Fanny Benitez
Infant Toddler Early Education
Marites Magat
Infant Toddler Early Education
Renu Suyal
Infant Toddler Early Education
Jessica Mortensen
Infant Toddler Early Education
Janett Mendoza
Infant Toddler Early Education
Primary – Preschool/Kindergarten
Nadia Van Waes
Primary Preschool Kindergarten
Erin Dillard
Primary Preschool Kindergarten
Marie Chasseriau
Primary Preschool Kindergarten
Oxana Lubko
Primary Preschool Kindergarten
Tiffany Bevens
Primary Preschool Kindergarten