Winter Break Activities

Nature Walk Wreath/Bracelet – Day 7 of 15 Days of Winter Break Activities

Spend some quality time outside, get some exercise, and work on fine motor skills to create a holiday inspired art project!

Did you know that being outside can help keep your child from developing disease, allergies, and build a stronger immune system? Being outdoors, even in the winter, can also help to increase Vitamin D intake, and regulate mood and energy levels (Source: Atrium Health, Healthy Together: Staying Active in the Cold May Benefit Your Child’s Health, 2019)!

Take a nice Sunday stroll with your child, inviting them to pick up fallen leaves to make a wreath!


Light exercise Improves sleep cycles, focus, and build muscle – builds fine motor skills, and boosts creativity and imagination.


Cardboard, string/twine, Scissors or boxcutter (for adults)


  1. Cut out a wreath shape from your cardboard.
  2. Cut long strips of string/twine. Tie each strip to the cardboard wreath, tightly.
  3. Go for a walk! Encourage your child to pick up different types of leaves (bonus if they are pine leaves!), flowers, berries, twigs, etc.
  4. Have your child stick their findings under each piece of twine, until their wreath is filled.

Age/Difficulty Variations:

  • For younger children (Infant-3 years), instead of making a wreath, try making bracelets using masking tape. Place masking tape around their wrist and allow them to stick things to it as they walk!
  • For older children (Ages 4 – Elementary), allow them to practice their knot tying by tying their string/twine to cardboard.

We would love to see how your activity for day 7 out of the 15 Days of Winter Break Activities series turned out! Tag us on Instagram and Facebook to share your creations.
Instagram: @ lmeclife
Facebook: @ Living Montessori Education Community
